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Foods to elevate mood

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Healthy Eating with Aisling Murray from Whelehans Pharmacy

Nutrition has a lot to do with how we feel. Eating a lot of processed or fatty foods can make you feel sluggish as you are not getting the essential nutrients you require. Evaluate the foods and drinks you consume and perhaps give your diet and overhaul if you are not eating as healthy as you could be. It’s important that you keep your blood sugars regulated and your gastrointestinal tract running well, this will help you feel good and energetic and can be achieved by eating a balanced diet. A heart healthy diet which is high in fibre and low in saturated fat will help elevate mood and make sure your body is functioning better.


1. Increase Fruits and vegetables


Try eating seven portions of fruit (2-3 portions) and vegetables (3-4 portions) daily; they are packed full of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables also have antioxidant phytochemicals, which directly contribute to your health. The best fruits and vegetables to boost mood include bananas, leafy greens and berries.



2. Get your intake of fish.

Studies have suggested that you have lower risk of low mood and depression if you incorporate fish into your diet. Oily fish (salmon, herring, tuna, etc.) in particular is high in essential omega – 3 fatty acid, these essential fats help to boost mood and memory they also protect against memory loss in old age.


  1. Introduce selenium-rich foods into your diet

Selenium is a mineral that acts like an antioxidant in the body. Antioxidants will help improve your mood and they mop up free radicals in the brain which are associated with mild cases of depression. There are a number of selenium rich foods that you could include in your diet such as, nuts and seeds, beans and lean meat (chicken, turkey and fish).


  1. Vitamin D

Time spent in the sun can make you feel uplifted. The sun’s rays allow our bodies to make and regulate vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked with SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and mood disorders. Fortunately there are foods which naturally contain vitamin D such as oily fish, cheese, egg yolk and fortified foods. Vitamin D supplements are also beneficial.


Foods which act negatively on mood

Saturated fat can promote heat disease and is now linked with depression so should be reduced in the diet. Limit alcohol consumption as it’s a known depressant, affecting all nerve cells in the body and can leave you feeling down. Caffeine is also something that needs to be taken in small quantities as it can increase irritability and can cause a crash in energy.


If you change the way you are eating and continue to have low mood over a long period of time its recommend to go visit you GP or speak to you pharmacist. There may be some underlying factors contributing to your low mood.

 Depression information Evening

Whelehans Pharmacy is hosting a Depression Information Evening in the Greville Arms Hotel on Thursday August 6th at 7pm. It is free to attend and all are welcome. The night will be of benefit both to individuals experiencing depression and concerned family/friends. Summary of speakers are:-

  • Exercise and fitness expert Maurice Looby of Maurice Looby Fitness
  • Counsellor Tom Moran of New Beginnings Counselling in Westmeath
  • Pharmacist Eamonn Brady from Whelehans Pharmacy, Mullingar 
  • Clinical Psychologist Dr Claire Hayes, Clinical Director of Aware


You can turn up on the night or book your place in advance by calling Whelehans Pharmacy at 04493 34591.

Aisling Murray has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and offers a one to one specialist nutrition service at Whelehans Pharmacy. Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 for an appointment


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