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Whelehans Health Blog

Dry Eyes

Posted by Brady Bunch on

Symptoms of dry eyes can include irritation and redness, itchy eyes, burning eyes, blurred vision (that improves with blinking), excessive tears (eye tries to over compensate) and the sensation of grit in the eyes.

People can find that dry eye symptoms are fine in the morning (as the eyelids have been closed overnight and tears do not evaporate) but gets worse as the day goes on as the eyes are...

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24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor

Posted by Brady Bunch on

High Blood Pressure is a silent killer


Did you know that every hour, a man, woman or child dies from heart disease and stroke in Ireland? High blood pressure is a major reason for these premature deaths.

If you have been diagnosed or suspected of having high blood pressure, it is important you get it monitored with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. Whelehans Pharmacy in Mullingar can now fit you...

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Chronic Daily Headaches

Posted by Brady Bunch on

If you take painkillers for longer than 15 days (3 days for codeine) you run the risk of getting medication-overuse headaches. The headaches caused by painkiller overuse last an average of four or more hours. What happens is that after taking a painkiller for headaches for a prolonged period of time, your body becomes used to the painkillers. A 'rebound' or 'withdrawal' headache then develops if...

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Parkinson's Disease

Posted by Brady Bunch on

This article was shortened for my blog, a longer version can be found at or call in to Whelehans pharmacy Mullingar

Parkinson's disease is a long-term disorder of caused by the degeneration of dopamine generating cells in the mid-section of the brain. Its cause is unknown. Symptoms gradually worsen over time. The main symptoms are stiffness, shaking (tremor) and slowing of...

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Exam Tips 2013

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Exam Tips


With Junior and Leaving Cert starting soon, this week I give some tips on how to perform to your full potential.


Avoid marathon study sessions


Breaking your study day into sections will help as it is harder to concentrate for long periods without a break. A study plan will help achieve this. It is important to allow time for sleep, exercise and fun. 


Reducing anxiety


Going to bed and...

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